Sunday, January 4, 2009

5 a.m. No zzz's

I've realized that after pulling this all nighter in celebration of Steve going back to Draper (Yes we're celebrating his departure) being super tired brings out the devil in people,


Jordan Ballou: Grouchiness, Excessive use of the F word, and the phrases like "shut up", "you bitch", "don't touch me" and "Stallone!"

Dan Lollar: Failure to sleep and violence and anger towards noisy people mainly Jordan Ballou.

Steve Canaan: silence unless being taunted, teased, or shot with a Nerf gun. Any of these result in violence, severe whining, and tattling.

Jordan DeLaCruz: Wearing long johns, listening to Mariah Carey and feeling sorry for himself after being called "Stallone" excessively. (really Ballou is emotionally destroying me)

If any of these mentioned symptoms occur while pulling an all nighter, you might be socially retarded. See your doctor.
